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Ray Beckerman is a veteran commercial litigator, with both big firm and small firm background, experienced in representing major corporations as well as small family businesses and startups. R our tenacity, outstanding research, writing, and oral advocacy.
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Taking giant steps in the quest to organize and. Welcome to East Rockaway! Welcome to the official website for the Chamber of Commerce of East Rockaway. If you have any questions regarding our Chamber or this site, please feel free to contact us. 2005-2012 East Rockaway Chamber Of Commerce.
Top 5 Coffee Industry Trends for 2017. We are now a couple of months into the year, and already some interesting trends are developing in the coffee industry. Here at Galaxie Coffee, we follow those trends for obvious reasons. Below are the top five just now emerging. Some will undoubtedly continue to grow and significantly impact the industry this year while others will simply fade away. It will be interesting to see how each of them fare. 1 Adding Nitrogen to Cold Brew.
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